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Writer's pictureFilomena Cristina Sarlea

4 factori de baza/Dieta 1 4 Fundamentals/Diet 1

Patru factori ce ajuta vindecarea si care trebuie facute concomitent:

  1. Glucoza existenta in tesuturi- se masoara HbA1C- hemoglobina glicozilata este media glucozei in ultimele 3 luni. Trebuie sa ajungem la 5.2

  2. Circulatia sangelui ( picioare reci)- microcirculatia la nivelul capilarelor

  3. Imunitatea organismului si trezirea limfocitelor ( T killer, natural killer)

  4. Ph-ul organismului- cancerul nu se dezvolta in mediu alkalin. Ph-ul sangelui considerat ok de medicina este intre 7.36-7.46. Pentru sanatate, trebuie ca Ph-ul sa nu fie mai jos de 7.4. Un corp cu Ph-ul sub 7.4, poate sa faca un cancer oricand.


Foarte mare atentie la ZAHAR si STRES (frica, depresia duc la metastazare)

Studiul China arata ca femeile ce au consumat lactate au facut cancer de sani. Dupa zahar, lactatele sunt al doilea factor nociv, in special lactatele de vaca.

Onco-Detoxificare : - eliminarea de metale grele, daca dai corpului ce ii lipseste, el da afara ce nu ii mai trebuie

  • eliminarea rezidurilor de la chimioterapie.

  • detoxificarea se face cu alimente vi : afine ( foarte bune pentru curatarea rinichilor), patrunjel, kale, extracte de ienupar, brusture, echinaceea. Aceste 3 extracte luate cate 3ml dimineata inainte de masa, stopeaza localizarea celulelor canceroase in ganglionii limfatici.

  • deparazitarea : 8 din 10 cancere au ca si cauza una din cele 4 cauze de mai sus ( zahar, circulatie, imunitate. PH) si 2 din 10 sunt cauzate de paraziti. Mirosul urat de gura este un semnal al prezentei parazitilor in corp. ( Pentru mine, Dl Vaduva a recomandat deparazitare cu Giardinophyt)

Sucuri pentru detox:

  • dimineata, primul lucru, se bea un pahar cu apa

  • apoi Suc de telina- intre 200ml pana la 500ml

  • Suc de castravete- ajuta la alcalinizarea corpului

  • suc de usturoi- se poate dilua cu apa sau amesteca cu suc de morcovi. Usturoiul negru este foarte bun in cancer

  • SUC ANTICANCER- se bea zilnic

    • 100 ml suc sfecta rosie- se lasa 30 min la precipitat

    • 200 ml suc morcovi

    • 200 ml suc varza rosie

    • 2 linguri cu varf de pudra de orz, intr-o zi, si pudra de ovaz in cealalta zi.

    • se adauga polen crud tinut la congelator

    • se bea oricand in timpul zilei

!!! Evitati constipatia !!!

  • daca sunteti constipat inseamna ca nu beti destula apa sau nu consumati suficinte fibre.

  • trebuie sa beti 0,04 X greutatea corporala, pentru 50kg e nevoie de 2 Litri apa

  • Magneziu lax dupa masa de seara + 2 probiotice + 1 lingura ulei de in

  • eu folosesc Prebiotic de la Zinzino sa incurajez refacerea microbiomului intestinal.

Miscare : 10,000 de pasi zilnic

Respiratia: inspira adanc pentru 6 secunde, apoi expira pentru 6 secunde. Repeta cateva minute pe zi.

Aici adaug link-uri la diferite produse mentionate


Four factors that help healing and that must be done simultaneously:

Glucose existing in the tissues - is measured HbA1C - glycosylated hemoglobin is the average of glucose in the last 3 months. We have to reach 5.2

Blood circulation (cold feet) - microcirculation at the capillary level

The body's immunity and the awakening of lymphocytes (T killer, natural killer)

The body's ph - cancer does not develop in an alkaline environment. Blood ph considered ok by medicine is between 7.36-7.46. For health, the Ph must not be lower than 7.4. A body with a Ph below 7.4 can develop cancer at any time.


Pay attention to SUGAR and STRESS (fear, depression lead to metastasis)

The Chinese study shows that women who consumed dairy developed breast cancer. After sugar, dairy products are the second harmful factor, especially cow's milk products.

Onco-Detoxification: - elimination of heavy metals, if you give the body what it lacks, it gives out what it no longer needs

elimination of chemotherapy residues.

detoxification is done with live foods: blueberries (very good for cleaning the kidneys), parsley, kale, juniper extracts, burdock, echinacea. These 3 extracts, taken 3ml each in the morning before the meal, stop the localization of cancer cells in the lymph nodes.

deworming: 8 out of 10 cancers are caused by one of the 4 causes above (sugar, circulation, immunity. PH) and 2 out of 10 are caused by parasites. Bad breath is a signal of the presence of parasites in the body. (For me, Mr. Vaduva recommended deworming with Giardinophyt)

Juices for detox:

in the morning, first thing, drink a glass of water

then celery juice - between 200ml and 500ml

Cucumber juice - helps to alkalize the body

garlic juice - can be diluted with water or mixed with carrot juice. Black garlic is very good in cancer

ANTICANCER JUICE - drink daily

100 ml red beetroot juice - let it settle for 30 minutes

200 ml carrot juice

200 ml red cabbage juice

2 tablespoons of barley powder, one day, and oat powder the other day.

raw pollen kept in the freezer is added

it is drunk at any time during the day

!!! Avoid constipation!!!

if you are constipated, it means that you don't drink enough water or don't consume enough fiber.

you have to drink 0.04 X your body weight, for 50 kg you need 2 liters of water

Loose magnesium after dinner + 2 probiotics + 1 tablespoon of linseed oil

I use Prebiotic from Zinzino to encourage the recovery of the intestinal microbiome to fox the leaky gut.

Movement: 10,000 steps daily

Breathing: inhale deeply for 6 seconds, then exhale for 6 seconds. Repeat a few minutes a day.

Here I add links to different products mentioned


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