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Writer's pictureFilomena Cristina Sarlea

De la 78 la 3,3- From 78 to 3.3

Updated: Mar 25

14 Martie, 2024

Am avut cateva zile pline de energie insa duminica dimineata , ficatul a durut tare, am plecat spre casa, imediat ce s-a terminat biserica. Aveam o pofta ciudata de carne. Ficatului ii trebuie proteina sa se regenereze, cu o zi inainte nu am fost mancat destule proteine vegetale. Am ajuns acasa si aveam in frigider un carnat facut de o prietena, condimentat ca la Cluj, ungureste( intotdeauna mi-a placut sa fie carnea super condimentata sa acopere gustul de carne). Am stat in dilema daca sa iau sau nu, ficatul durea destul de rau, nu aveam nici o proteina vegetala gata sa o mananc, asa ca am luat 3 bucati mici. Le-am masticat bine sa nu dau mult de lucru stomacului care nu mai stia ce inseamna proteina animala si spre surprindetea mea, nu la mult timp durerea s-a ameliorat. Oare intr-adevar sa ii fi trebuit proteina? Nu a fost proteina cea mai buna pentru mine (daca ar sti Dl. Vaduva, m-ar certa, e roman, el isi cearta pacientii :)) dar la momentul respectiv m-a ajutat. Eu cred, ca atunci cand suntem atenti, corpul ne spune de ce are nevoie, si aici nu ma refer la pofta de a manca dulce, nicidecum, dulcele, zaharul, creaza adictie si corpul il cere din cauza aceasta. Va mai dau un exemplu. Mie nu imi plac bananele, insa , din cand in cand, asta inainte de cancer, aveam pofta de banane. Ciudata pofta mi se parea chiar si atunci. Mai tarziu am aflat ca atunci cand corpului ii lipseste potasium este bine sa mancam banane. Corpul stia ce ii lipseste. Si luam o banana, poate inca una in ziua urmatoare, dupa care, nu imi mai trebuiau banane pentru o perioada lunga de timp.

"inainte de cancer"- oare viata mea sa se imparta intre "iainte de cancer" si "dupa cancer"?Cateodata, vorbind din istoria personala, ma refeream la evenimente petrecute "inainte de Ben" si "dupa Ben". Probabil asa o sa fie si acum, dupa ce trec de cancer. Lasa Dumnezeu in vietile noastre, evenimente ce ne marcheaza si prin care ne formeaza, ca intram in ele intr-un mod si iesim din ele, alti oameni. Dumnezeu le ingaduie sa ne faca mai buni, mai sfinti, mai asemanatori cu El, Doamne ajuta-ne la aceasta!

Durerile s-au linistit si eu am prins viata. Am continuat pe aceeasi dieta fara carne, oua, lactate ( episodul cu carnat, a fost o exceptie), o dieta care acum nu imi mai pare grea. Unele mancaruri imi chiar plac, salivez cand ma gandesc la ele. Merg la cumparaturi, si cand ajung la legume, nu ma pot abtine sa nu iau un manunchi de patrunjel pe care il ciupelesc pana acasa. Yummy, ce bun este! Poftesc patrunjel, usturoi, castraveti, ceapa...Ma simt eliberata de adictia pentru zahar, la mesele de la biserica sunt tot felul de prajituri ce arata atat de bine si cu toate astea, ma uit la ele fara sa ma simt o victima ca nu le pot manca, dimpotriva, abilitatea de a sta departe de ele ma face sa ma simt eliberata de sub jugul zaharului. Cine ma cunoaste, stie ca eu as fi putut sa traiesc numai cu dulciuri. In tinerete, ziceam ca daca voi avea vreodata diabet, prefer sa mor decat sa renunt la dulciuri, atat de mult imi placeau. Viata ne aduce in circumstante in care vorbele spuse cu usurinta ne ajung din urma. Zaharul , este unul dintre Goliatii din viata mea, Domnul mi-a aratat inca o data, ca impreuna cu El, toate lucrurile sunt posibile.

Azi am inceput clasa online de nutritie cu M Vaduva din Bucresti. M-am inscris ca sa il mai ascult o data, sunt convinsa ca acum o sa inteleg mai in detaliu de ce unele mancaruri sunt bune si altele nu. Urmeaza sa am si un zoom cu el. Abea astept sa ii spun rezultatele mele de la uleiul recomandat de el. Oare v-am spus ca la mine in corp, omega 6 era foarte mult in comparatie cu omega 3? Rata dintre acestea doua ar trebui sa fie de 3 la1 si ideal ar fi de 1 la1. Cand am facut primul test in Bucuresti a fost de 78 la 1. Cand am vazut rezultatul mi s-au deschis ochii si am inteles de ce trebuie sa iau uleiul acesta in fiecare zi. Inflamatia trebuia scazuta ca noile celule produse de corpul meu sa fie sanatoase, in putere sa lupte cu cancerul. Si asa am si facut. L-am luat zilnic. Cercetatorii spun ca dureaza 4 luni ca sa aduca corpul in balanta. La 2 luni eu am vrut sa vad cum lucreaza in cazul meu si am facut inca un test. O prietena ce trece si ea prin cancer, mi-a spus " Cristina, pentru noi este prea tarziu sa mai luam acest ulei, deja la noi inflamatia cronica a degenerat in cancer, asta este pentru oamenii la care o astfel de boala nu s-a declansat"....Oare chiar asa sa fie? Dar noi nu suntem pe moarte! Inca umblam, facem mancare, avem grija de noi si de familiile noastre, corpul nostru inca produce celule noi, inca se regenereaza. Oare nu este cu atat mai important sa ii dam o baza sanatoasa ca sa produca celule sanatoase?Ok, si daca, sa zicem ca nu mai lucreaza in cazul meu, ce ma costa sa incerc? Asa am si facut. Cu 2 zile in urma am primit rezultatul la test. Dupa 2 luni ( nu dupa 4), rata dintre omega 6 omega 3 a scazut de la 78:1 la 3,3:1. Aproape am ajuns la 3:1? Este un miracol! Eu mi-am facut partea mea si Dumnezeu si-a facut partea Lui! Toata slava este a Lui, si pe El il slavesc! Acum se explica energia ce o am, imi vine cateodata cheful de a alerga si ma opresc din cauza ficatului, am seri in care nu pot dormi ca am prea multa energie si adorm la 4:30am si ma trezesc odihnita la 9:30am, gata de o noua zi. Viata mi se pare frumoasa, de parca toti norii ar fi disparut, am rabdare cu Anna la scoala, sunt gata sa imi termin claseele sa incep sa lucrez, sa simt ca traiesc si parca sa recuperez zilele petrecute la pat. Ce bun e Domnul!

Maine am o scanare la abdomen, sa vedem ce anume in deranjeaza pe ficat. Eu sunt convinsa ca am de-a face cu un ficat gras ce s-a inflamat excesiv de la tot procesul de detoxifucare prin care l-am pus. Nu ii e usor sa proceseze un pumn de suplimnete si sa elimine toate celulele rele si rezidurile din corp. I-am dat cam mult de lucru. Ficatul se regennereaza total in 2 ani( asa am citit)si o sa ii dau ce are nevoie sa isi revina. Astept ca rezulatatele la scanari sa fie bune, totusi, indiferent de ce imi vor zice, eu stiu cum ma simt, si medicul cel mai bun din univers m-a luat sub observatia Lui, in El ma incred pe deplin. Dar tu?


I had a few days full of energy, but on Sunday morning, my liver hurt a lot; I left for home as soon as the church was over. I had a strange craving for meat. The liver needs protein to regenerate; I didn't eat enough vegetable protein the day before. I got home, and there was a sausage made by a friend in the fridge, seasoned like Cluj, Hungarian (I always liked the meat to be super seasoned to cover the taste of meat). I was in a dilemma about whether to take it or not; my liver hurt quite badly, and I didn't have any vegetable protein ready to eat, so I took three small pieces. I chewed them nicely so as not to give too much work to the stomach, which no longer knew what animal protein meant, and to my surprise, not long after, the pain improved. Did he need the protein? It wasn't the best protein for me, but at the time, it helped me. I believe that when we are attentive, the body tells us what it needs, and here I am not referring to the desire to eat sweets, by no means, sweets, sugar, create addiction and the body demands it because of this. I'll give you another example. I like bananas, but from time to time, before cancer, I had a craving for bananas. It seemed strange to me even then. Later, I discovered that when the body lacks potassium, it is good to eat bananas. The body knew what it was missing. And I would take a banana, maybe another one the next day, after which I didn't need any more bananas for a long time.

"before cancer" - should my life be divided between "before cancer" and "after cancer"? Sometimes, speaking from personal history, I referred to events that happened "before Ben" and "after Ben." It will probably be the same now after I get over cancer. God leaves in our lives events that mark us and through which we are formed, that we enter them in a way and come out of them different people. God allows them to make us better, holier, and more similar to Him. God helps us with this!

The pain subsided, and I got back to life. I continued the same diet without meat, eggs, and dairy (the sausage episode was an exception), a diet that now doesn't seem difficult. I salivate when I think about some foods I like. I go shopping, and when I get to the vegetables, I can't resist taking a bunch of parsley that I pinch on the way home. Yummy, how good it is! I crave parsley, garlic, cucumbers, onions... I feel liberated from my addiction to sugar; at church meals, all kinds of cakes look so good, and despite all that, I look at them without feeling like a victim I can't eat them; on the contrary, the ability to stay away from them makes me feel liberated from the yoke of sugar. Anyone who knows me knows that I could live only on sweets. In my youth, I used to say that if I ever had diabetes, I'd rather die than give up sweets; I liked them so much. Life brings us into circumstances where the words easily catch up with us. Sugar is one of the Goliaths in my life; the Lord showed me once again that all things are possible with Him.

Today, I started the online nutrition class with M Vaduva from Bucharest. I signed up to listen to him again, and I am convinced that now I will understand in more detail why some foods are good and others are not. I'm going to have a Zoom with him. I am waiting to tell him my results from the oil he recommended. Did I tell you that omega six was very much compared to omega 3 in my body? The ratio between these two should be 3 to 1; ideally, it would be 1 to 1. When I did the first test in Bucharest, it was 78 to 1. When I saw the result, my eyes were opened, and I understood why I had to take this oil daily. The inflammation had to be reduced so that the new cells produced by my body would be healthy and able to fight cancer. And so I did. I took it daily. Researchers say it takes four months for the house to balance the body. After two months, I wanted to see how it worked in my case, so I took another test. A friend who is also going through cancer told me, "Cristina, it is too late for us to take this oil; our chronic inflammation has already degenerated into cancer; this is for people in whom such a disease has not started. "....Could it be like that? But we are not dying! We still walk, cook, take care of ourselves and our families, our body still produces new cells, still regenerates. Isn't giving it a healthy base to produce healthy cells even more critical? Ok, and if, let's say, it no longer works in my case, what will it cost me to try? That's what I did. 2 days ago, I received the test result. After two months (not after 4), the omega 6 to omega three ratio dropped from 78:1 to 3.3:1. Are we almost at 3:1? It is a miracle! I did my part, and God did His part! All the glory is His, and I praise Him! Now, my energy is explained; sometimes, I feel like running, and I stop because of my liver. I have evenings when I can't sleep because I have too much energy, and I fall asleep at 4:30 am and wake up rested at 9:30 am; that's it for a new day. Life seems beautiful to me, as if all the clouds have disappeared, I have patience with Anna at school, I am ready to finish my classes and start working, to feel that I am living and as if to recover the days spent in bed. How good the Lord is!

Tomorrow I have an abdominal scan, let's see what exactly is bothering the liver. I am convinced that I am dealing with a fatty liver that has become excessively inflamed from the entire detoxification process I put it through. It is not easy for him to process a handful of supplements and eliminate all the bad cells and residues from the body. I gave him a lot of work. The liver regenerates entirely in 2 years (that's what I read), and I will give it what it needs to recover. I expect the scan results to be good, however, regardless of what they tell me, I know how I feel, and the best doctor in the universe took me under his observation, I trust him completely. How about you?


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Daniela Branzai
Daniela Branzai
26 mrt

Draga Cristina,

Slavit sa fie Domnul pentru minunile ce le-a facut si le face in viata ta. Ne bucuram si laudam pe Domnul impeuna.


26 mrt

Praising God!! 💚💐


26 mrt

Super și aștept să mi spui de scan

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