Am primit rezultatele la ultimele scanari facute cu ultrasound la abdomen si la pelvis. Ficatul, , pacreasul arata normal, cu nici un fel de leziuni. In decembrie, la scanarea CT, ficatul avea o pata pe el, acum la ultrasound nu a fost raportat nimic de genul acesta. Va spuneam ca merg fara teama , ca am impresia ca am de-a face cu un ficat gras, superincarcat de toxine. Slava Domnului pentru modul miraculos in care lucreaza! Ultrasoundul la pelvis , a confirmat fibroanele de care stiam, dar dupa parerea medicului, nu este nevoie de operatie. totul arata ca fiind curat, fara orice semne de cancer in zona respectiva. Inca o minune! Urmeaza sa ma intalnesc cu doctorita mea de familie sa o rog sa imi scaneze si plamanii, apoi o sa fiu gata sa intru in operatia de reconstructie din Aprilie.
Inca mai am dureri, cateodata am impresia ca sunt asociate cu ceea ce am mancat in ziua respectiva, dar folosesc comprese cu tamaie si o combinatie " raindrop" si se pare ca ma ajuta mult.
O sa incep sa postez notite luate din ceea ce invat de la Onto- nutritionist Marius Vaduva din Bucuresti, o sa numesc postarile Dieta 1,2, sa fie usor de gasit.
Pe curand!
I received the results of the last ultrasound scans of the abdomen and pelvis. The liver and spleen look normal, with no lesions. In December, on the CT scan, the liver had a spot on it, now on the ultrasound nothing like this was reported. I was telling you that I go without fear, that I have the impression that I am dealing with a fatty liver, supercharged with toxins. Praise God for the miraculous way it works! The pelvic ultrasound confirmed the fibroids I knew about, but according to the doctor's opinion, surgery is not needed. Everything looks clean, without any signs of cancer in that area. Another miracle! I'm going to meet with my family doctor to ask her to scan my lungs; then, I'll be ready to go into the reconstruction surgery in April.
I still have pains, sometimes I have the impression that they are associated with what I ate that day, but I use compresses with Frankincense and a "raindrop" combination and it seems to help me a lot.
I'm going to start posting notes taken from what I'm learning from Onto-nutritionist Marius Vaduva from Bucharest, I will call the posts Diet 1,2, that it's easy to find.
See you soon!